R red shadow 60H

Ray’s Wordplace




A Speculative Thriller

3D Final FIre 400H1

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Final Fire is the story of a woman, a healer, who loves deeply ... and has lost.

Of a man whose beloved child is in danger ... and who doesn't know how to help her.

Of a child lost in a whirlwind of psychic abilities

Of a people with an ability to heal, to extend life, or to kill without a touch.

Of a madman who creates a plague to destroy the human race to avenge the death of his son.

Of a Homeland Security agent whose rabid hatred of terrorists leads her to despicable acts.

Read a sample on Amazon.


“Not a vampire fan, not a cat lover, but I was thoroughly entertained.” Beta reader

3D  Sheriff 400H2

Read a sample on Amazon.

In small-town Bloomsburg Illinois, newbie vampires Patch, a calico tomcat, and Meg, a pinkish human being, are targets for vigilante vampire hunters. Patch and Meg come out of the coffin to run for sheriff so they can stop the vampire killers.

On the way to election day, Patch is kidnapped, tried for murder (hey, it was one of those yappy little dogs), there’s betrayal at the American Vampire Association, a bloodthirsty preacher has vampicide on his mind, and Patch and Meg are hit with a deadly double cross.

Support Your Local Vampire Kitty-Cat is serious fun in the way only satire can be. More than that, it’s the story of a cat and a young woman who struggle with a curse that is destroying their lives. 

Join Patch in a tale rife with action, humor, and what vampire life, so to speak, is really like.

Read a sample on Amazon.

3D Unmurders 400H

Read a sample on Amazon.

Join Patch, a cat to die for, and his partner Meg as they are embroiled in dangerous times and crimes in La La land.

The old vampire saying, “Life doesn’t get any easier after you’re dead,” nails it for vampire kitty-cat Patch when his vampire partner Meg  is arrested for murder. When the sun comes up, innocent Meg, locked in a jail cell, will be toast.

Worse, her incarceration means curtains for Patch. Trapped in their apartment, he can’t open the refrigerator to get to their V1 Juice (blood), much less open the bottles. Opposable thumbs are so handy.

Meg begs Nick, the cop who nabbed her, to help Patch, but he hates cats. Reciprocally, Meg hates Nick for sending them to their doom, and Patch can’t wait to show Nick what claws can do.

And Nick is the only one who can save them.

Read a sample on Amazon.

2 more novels for your enjoyment


A murder mystery wrapped around a coming-of-age story set in Texas in 1958, a time of innocence.

Summer Boy 3D 325H


 A thought-provoking speculative thriller that explores a real-world solution for gun violence.


3D gundown

© Ray Rhamey 2024   ray (at) rayrhamey (dot) com 206.291.8758  Ashland, Oregon
